Job vs Business What to do • What is better job or business

What is job vs business

- Friends, there is always a question in every person's life whether he should do a job or a business, so in this short post we will understand under what circumstances we should do a job and under what circumstances we should not do a job. Should do. Must do business. If necessary, end this post. Must read till. In which you will get answers to all the questions.

what is the work

Friends, job is such a thing in which along with a specific work, you are also given a specific amount and a specific responsibility. In which there is a safe environment but business is that thing in which all these things are undefined and you have to do all these things yourself.

job vs business

The work is always done on a computer and in a secure area in which you get a fixed salary after working for a particular time. But business always runs in the risk zone where no matter how much money and investment you make, there is no guarantee of returns, so you can call the job an eight-hour business or you can call the business a 24-hour job.

mindset and risk

If you want to master anything. Therefore, first of all his mentality should be developed. If you are working. So what are its main roles and responsibilities? First you understand this. And try to complete it. If you are doing business then do not take business like a job because if you have received a call from your vendor then you are working for that vendor if you have received a call from the customer. So you're working for a client and there's an employee standing in front of you. So you are working for the employee. This will not work in business, what and how you have to do when should be already defined and what work has already been given to you in the job. Complete this so that you remain in the good books of your boss and the company and you will have to think about the business 24 hours a day and how the business can be improved. However, there are risks in both job and business. But there are some reasons for losing job but there are many reasons for closing business like high competition, lack of money, product failure.

job or business which is better

Friends, under what circumstances should we do job and under what circumstances should we do business? If you lack money, experience and risk. So in the beginning you go for a job so that you have stock of these three things available and if you want to do business. Therefore, have at least 3 to 5 years of job experience. Doctors, chartered accountants, lawyers also get into business immediately after completing their education. So they also have 3 to 5 years of internship experience so whenever you go into business you should have at least five years of job experience and if you are new and you have to start a startup or business immediately. Therefore, you should make a person with at least 5 to 10 years of experience as your mentor so that he has knowledge about the business and your business never fails. Actually, there is no fixed formula till what age we should work and at what age we should do business. But till the age of 30 you should do such a job in which you get enough experience and enough money and after 30 you can think about doing business anytime but after 45 think about reducing the job because you are not that big. Are. Can do. Will not be able to perform. You will be able to do as much as the companies expect from you and you can start your business anytime after 30 so that you can establish your business by the age of 45. For example, if you start a business at the age of 30 or 35 then that business can be well established in 5 to 10 years. It is possible that if you face one or two failures during that time, you can deal with it and your business can definitely be established by the time you reach the age of 45. After 30, I am not saying that you should leave your job, but if you are leaving your job and going into business, then you should keep at least 2 years of backup for your family and after that think about doing business. Needed need, need,


So you have enough money and experience to enter the business. But before getting into business, do pre-planning for at least six months. Which we call side hustle. And before jumping into business, definitely gather these planning techniques and resources and after that come into business and remember once friends, do not come into business just to earn money, if your heart and passion is in it then only you can come into business. Can. Are . Desire. You will get success in business. And you must have understood in this post. This is done in job and business situations and how it is changed.

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